How to Pack the PERFECT Hospital Bag for a Natural Birth in | Augusta Birth Photographer
If you’re planning a med-free birth in Augusta, GA, I have something you’re going to love!
I’m talking about packing your hospital bag, but this isn’t an ordinary list.
This is one crafted just for Augusta moms planning a med-free or natural birth.
I remember when I was packing my bag I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed, but not overpack.
Ready to get started? Let’s make sure your bag is packed with everything you need to feel empowered during your med-free birth.
First, bring plenty of snacks and your favorite beverages.
There are a few things you'll want to make sure you have on hand to keep your energy up during labor. And if you’re at a hospital that doesn’t want you to eat until after your baby is here, then you’ll have some of your favorite snacks for after birth, when you’re sure to be ravenous.
Pack snacks that are high in protein and easy to eat on the go, like granola bars, nuts, trail mix, jerky, or protein shakes. You'll also want to bring along a water bottle or two, as staying hydrated is key during labor.
Definitely bring some liquid IV or something else to replenish those electrolytes.
For natural birth, you want to pack items that will keep you comfortable and relaxed
It's always a good idea to have a few changes of clothes with you in case your labor goes longer than expected or you are getting in and out of a shower or tub. After all, you never know what might happen during childbirth!
Consider bringing a loose-fitting nightgown, pajamas, or robe. It’s hot most of the year here in Augusta, so cooler fabrics will help you stay comfortable during labor, but if you are like me, you might get a little chilly afterward, so adding a robe, loose pajama bottoms, and cozy socks to layer was so nice. And if you plan on breastfeeding, a couple supportive nursing bras is a great idea.
Bring chapstick! My lips get SO dry (especially here in Augusta), when I’m working hard, get hot, or in that dry hospital air. Throw an extra stick of your favorite lip moisturizer into your bag and skip the aggravation of dry lips.
Also, pack a small case with any essential oils or other relaxation techniques that you want to use during labor. This could include a diffuser and some lavender oil, or a positive affirmations deck. My best friend got me an oil diffusing necklace when I was pregnant with my third baby and I would put a few drops of lavender on the little felt pad and it was so calming to breath in.
Don’t forget your toiletries! My essentials were a toothbrush and toothpaste, definitely deodorant, extra hair ties, and I loved bringing some facewipes so I wouldn’t have to worry about washing my face while at the hospital or birth center. I have super curly hair and don’t use a hair brush, but you might, and if you do, toss one into your bag. Personally, I never felt like showering until I got home, but if you think you will then maybe bring shampoo, conditioner, facewash, and bodywash.
If you're planning on breastfeeding, here are some items you should pack in your hospital bag:
A nursing pillow: This will help you to position your baby correctly while breastfeeding and hospital pillows aren’t that great.
Nursing pads: These absorb leakage and help to keep your clothing dry.
Supportive nursing bras.
Nipple cream: This can be used to soothe sore nipples. I loved the Earth Mama Organic Nipple Butter
A water bottle: This will help you to stay hydrated while nursing. I always get SO thirsty!
If you are bottle feeding from the start, then bring a couple of your favorite bottles and formula with you. If you don’t have favorites, maybe bring a couple different brands to try out. Your baby might have opinions.
The hospital provides diapers and wipes so you can save some space and not pack those, but you will probably want to bring a couple comfortable and cute outfits for baby.
Bonus tip: pack an extra cell phone charger and make it an extra long one!
By packing these items in your hospital bag, you'll be so much more comfortable and prepared to start your breastfeeding journey.
Of course, don't forget your birth photographer!
I obviously won’t fit in your hospital bag, but there's something to be said for hiring a professional birth photographer! Here are just a few benefits of having a birth photographer on hand for your hospital birth:
They can capture all the special moments, from the first push to the moment your baby is placed in your arms.
They know how to work within the strict confines of a hospital setting, meaning you'll get beautiful photos without disrupting the flow of your labor and delivery.
They can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed during labor, knowing that they're taking care of documenting everything.
So, if you're considering hiring a birth photographer for your upcoming hospital birth, rest assured that you'll be in good hands! Click here to see more of my Augusta Birth Photography, I'd love to chat with you about capturing your beautiful moment.