How to Prepare for Your First, Second, Third, and Fourth Trimester in Augusta, GA by a Birth Photographer

Did you know there are more than the typical 3 trimesters of pregnancy? Today I’m spilling the tea on everything you can expect from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester."

I had no idea there was a “4th trimester” until after I’d had 2 babies!

I’m not only going to share with you what to expect in each, but also a lot of local resources you can use as you plan for your pregnancy, newborn and birth in Augusta, GA.

First Trimester: The Secret Life of Pregnancy

The first trimester is like a secret club where only you and your growing baby are members. During these first 12 weeks, your body is working overtime to create a new life, and you might be feeling the effects (hello, morning (not morning) sickness). It's like you're part of an exclusive group that only fellow expectant moms can truly understand.

Every time I was pregnant, I couldn’t wait for the bump! I wanted to show it off so bad, I wanted an outward explanation of why I felt so terrible, and I also wanted people to know I was growing a human, not just eating too many muffins.

My absolute favorite thing in the first trimester is hearing their tiny little heartbeat on the doppler or ultrasound. It made my heart swell and the nausea disappear for just a minute.

The first things I always do as soon as I find out I’m pregnant are first, decide on hospital, birth center, or home birth (I’ve had all three) and make an appointment. The second, is I think of how to tell my husband. And third, I find my birth photographer (except for my first, because I didn’t know they exsisted).

Here are some other resources in Augusta, GA for the 1st trimester.

Morning Glory Childbirth Services - Homebirth Midwife - Christine

This Little Lens Photography - Birth Photographer - Lisa Gillespie

This is how I told my husband I was pregnant with our third baby. It was a huge leap of faith for us that strengthened our whole family.

I found a tutorial on how to make a paper box, glued a little mustard seed inside (which was the size of our baby), and wrote Mathew 17:20 on the lid, which was perfect.

I love keeping things simple and personal.

Second Trimester: The Golden Age

For many, the second trimester is the golden age of pregnancy, where you can finally start enjoying the journey. With the nausea subsiding (hopefully), feeling those baby kicks (yay!), and the baby bump showing (why yes, I am growing a human, thank you!), it's time to embrace the experience.

This is a fantastic time to announce your pregnancy (if you can wait that long)! I’ve had four babies and loved finding new simple ways to share the news. Here’s what I came up with…

Now things really start to expand, which means your wardrobe needs to expand as well! The hair tie in the button loop only lasts for so long so go find some stretchy fabric for your beautiful bump!

  • Check out Expecting for Less Maternity in Martinez, GA to find cute second hand pregnancy outfits on a budget.

But, you don’t want to expand TOO much, so don’t forget to give your body some love and move a bit. The pregnancies where I made an effort to workout and move consistently, were the pregnancies where I felt the best. It also is so good for growing a healthy baby!

  • Honestly, I love working out in the comfort and privacy of home and I highly recommend HASfit. HASfit is on YouTube and have an app that is free or you can pay for extra perks. They has so many different options including a prenatal program.

Third Trimester: The Home Stretch

The third trimester is when things start to get real. As you prepare for your baby's arrival, you'll want to make sure you have everything in place for a smooth transition.

For 6 practical ways to prep your home for a new baby, read this! This blog is full of my favorite ways to get ready for having a newborn. One of the best things I ever did was to batch prepare a freezer full of frozen meals, mostly dinners, but there were a few breakfast things to. It was so nice, especially when our support circle was very small, but even months after having a baby life is hectic and mom is tired and having a meal ready to toss in the oven is pretty magical!

The Nursery

When it comes to the nursery, some of my clients go all out and are prepared months in advance, and some have 6 month olds without a nursery. Turns out you don’t really need much for a baby. Before having kids, I had dreams of decorating a beautiful nursery and them sleeping in their own bed, but things changed when my first was born, couldn’t nurse well, and wouldn’t sleep anywhere but with me, we were both desperate for sleep and I finally lowered myself into bed with my tiny new baby in my arms and finally got some sleep. I have co-slept with my babies ever since. It’s definitely not for everyone, but with co-sleeping I never saw a need for a nursery, although I think they can be so beautiful!

Your Body

Movement is key! Don’t skip this! Going on walks, prenatal yoga, stretching, getting in some squats, and again, I highly recommend HASfit for home prenatal workouts.

Birth: The Main Event

The moment you've been waiting for is finally here: birth! Whether you're planning a natural birth or a C-section, this stage is exciting and emotional!

Birth is my favorite and if I could skip pregnancy and just give birth, I would have a lot more babies!

One of my favorite memories was with my last baby. I finally was having a home birth and my midwife sister and my RN sister made the perfect team. Labor was intense, I was on all fours on my bed and my sister was pushing on my hips behind me when my water EXPLODED all over her. It was so intense that I thought my baby had shot out. My sister continued to be my support and didn’t go to shower until after my baby was born.

If you want more details on birth, make sure to check out this blog post all about 10 Things Your Doctor Never Told You About Giving Birth.

Of course, these are moments you’ll always want to remember (even if things don’t go perfectly according to plan). Hiring a birth photographer is something I’ve never heard anyone say they regret!  View my Birth Photography portfolio here!

The 4th Trimester: What No One Tells You

Surprise! Your journey doesn't end with birth. The 4th trimester is the first three months of your baby's life, where both of you are adjusting to the world outside the womb and it is WILD! This trimester can be super beautiful and unexplainably hard at the same time.

I struggled with breastfeeding, sleep, postpartum depression, cracked nipples, mastitis, and juggling home life and other children. I didn’t get help and with my whole heart I wish I had! This time could have been so much more, but I didn’t know how or who to ask. I was also embarrassed and felt defeated. You do not need to feel this! There are amazing people who know how and want to help… even if it’s just a friend to come fold laundry with you!

When is it time to ask for breastfeeding support? Check out this blog post all about breastfeeding and your Augusta, GA resources.

Of course, every journey is unique, and it's okay to feel a whole range of emotions along the way. As long as you've got your support system and resources, you'll be able to navigate this crazy adventure.

Thanks for reading!

Since you made it all the way down here – are you looking for an Augusta, GA Birth Photographer? Click here to see more of my Birth Photography portfolio.


7 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About the 1st 2 Weeks Postpartum from a Martinez, GA Photographer