Aidan’s Birth Story: A Journey of Strength and Love | Augusta, GA Birth Photographer
Aidan Richard.
Aidan got his middle name from dad’s grandpa AND mom’s grandpa. An extra special name for an extra special boy.
This is the story of his beautiful birth.
This sweet couple, already blessed with two beautiful girls, were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first son, Aidan
It was a quiet, overcast afternoon when this mama first realized she was going to have her baby very soon. After waking up from a nap, she noticed her water had broke. Labor was starting much earlier than she had expected. She was only 37.5 weeks along, so this unexpected turn caught her off guard. Filled with happy anticipation her and her husband made their way to the hospital around 3:30pm to check whether her water had truly broken.
“It was kind of gloomy outside, which I really enjoy, so it set the mood for a good day.”
Upon arriving at the hospital, nurses confirmed her water had broken and got her set up in a room, while her husband took the girls to a friend’s home. She found that early labor wasn’t as intense as she had expected.
“The contractions weren’t bad for me at all until I got into transition. I was able to breathe through the early contractions just fine and talk and joke in between them, but as soon as the transition came the contractions felt more intense, but not unbearable.”
She started considering an epidural. “I was going to ask the doctor when she came back in, but when she did, I asked to be checked because I felt a lot of pressure.” To her shock, she was already 10 cm dilated and ready to push.
“I was only in the hospital laboring for 3 hours at that point.”
Despite the surprise, her preparation had paid off. This awesome mama had practiced breathing techniques during her pregnancy and when the time came, it felt natural to rely on those methods to manage the pain.
“It became second nature,” she said.
Her husband was her rock during labor, offering unwavering support throughout the process. “As soon as I told him what I needed, he had no problem coming to my aid
and being my arm to cling onto.
He was so helpful, reminding me to breathe, especially during pushing.”
The pushing phase was surprisingly quick.
“I probably pushed for less than five minutes,”
she remembered. There were no complications during delivery, but shortly after, her joy was tempered by the news that
Aidan would need to be taken to the NICU.
“It was hard. I had just given birth and was so eager to hold him.” To say the separation was difficult would be a massive understatement, but she held onto the knowledge that Aidan was receiving the care he needed.
“I don’t remember what I said when I first held him, but I remember my husband looking at me and saying,
‘You just did that.’
To which I responded,
‘Yeah, I freaking did!’”
“I felt instant relief after I gave birth.”
One of the high points of Bailey’s birth experience was going natural. “I was really proud of myself for having a 9 lb. baby without tearing.
“I surprised myself with how strong I was.”
“I thought I was going to have to labor longer than I did. I’m grateful I didn’t have to labor long and it was a fairly easy delivery. The only thing I really hated was my son being whisked away to the NICU pretty quick. It was rather traumatic for me to have just given birth and not be able to have that first contact with him that I was so longing for.